Polycom ViewStation EX Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
72 www.polycom.com
gmscity set Paris
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>LAN/H.323>Global Management>
Info 1: City
gmscontactemail <set|get> ["email"]
gmscontactemail set ["email"]
gmscontactemail set
gmscontactemail get
This command sets the GMS contact E-mail information.
set Sets the GMS contact E-mail information when followed
by the email parameter. If you want to erase the current
setting, omit email.
get Displays the current contact E-mail information.
email Alphanumeric string specifying the contact E-mail.
Note Use quotation marks around a compound name or strings
containing spaces (Ex: “united states” or “111 222 333”).
gmscontactemail set JohnGMSguy@whatever.com
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>LAN/H.323>Global Management>
Info 1: Contact Email