ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
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numberofmonitors <{1..4}|get>
numberofmonitors <{1..4}>
numberofmonitors get
This command sets the number of TV monitors that are connected
to the system.
1..4 Sets the number of monitors allowed. Maximum number
is 4 for ViewStation FX and VS4000 systems, and 2 for
ViewStation EX systems.
get Displays the current setting (1, 2, 3, or 4).
numberofmonitors 2
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Video/Cameras>Monitors>TV Monitors:
Number of Monitors
outboundcallroute <gateway|isdn|get>
This command sets the default outbound calling route.
gateway Use gateway if your outbound call needs to be handled
by a gateway.
isdn Use isdn if your system is connected to an ISDN line.
ISDN is the default.
get Displays the current setting (gateway or isdn).