ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
18 www.polycom.com
Note This command cannot be accessed through the RS-232
set Sets the password used for remote management of the
system if followed by the password parameter. If you
want to erase the current setting, omit the password
parameter. The system must have an admin password
set before this command works.
get Displays the current admin password.
password Valid characters are: a through z (lower and
uppercase), -, _, @, /, ;, ,, ., \, 0 through 9. The length is
limited to 10 characters.
Note Use quotation marks around a compound name or strings
containing spaces (Ex: “united states” or “111 222 333”).
adminpassword set MyFXpsswd
adminpassword set “EX 2003“
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Security: Admin Password
advnetstats [{0..2}]
This command is used to get advanced network statistics for each
0..2 Range of selectable calls in a multipoint call (maximum
number of concurrent calls=3, where 0 is call #1, 1 is
call #2, and 2 is call #3). Select a number from this
range to specify a remote site call for which you want to
obtain advanced network statistics.