ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
17-31. But the PRI Status screen numbers these channels
contiguously in the range 1-30. Therefore, on the PRI Status
screen, channels 1-15 control the status of timeslots 1-15, and
channels 16-30 control the status of timeslots 17-31.
pricsu <internal|external|get>
This command sets the PRI CSU mode for a T1 interface. By
default, the T1 PRI network interface module is set for internal CSU
internal Sets the internal CSU mode. This is the default.
external Sets the external CSU mode. When selected, you must
specify the PRI line buildout (see the prilinebuildout
command on page 187).
get Displays the current CSU setting (internal or external).
pricsu external
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Video Network>IMUX>PRI
Network>PRI Setup: CSU
This screen is only accessible if you have a PRI network interface
connected to your ViewStation FX or VS4000 system.