App. - 10
2) In normal mode
Home position return
Setting of the tandem drive
home position signal offset
(parameter No.026C, 026D)
which has been set in the
adjustment mode
It is not guaranteed that the axes and the joint part
are connected at a right angle when the power is
turned on.
By home position return processing, the axis
moves to the home position signal position of the
master axis.
By home position return processing, the deviation
amount of the slave axis is compensated.
Home position
signal offset
Master axis home
position signal
Slave axis home
position signal
Execution of home position
return using a home position
signal detection method
(normal mode)
Calculation of deviation amount
from the target home position
(compensation value) by
camera, etc.
Compensation of home position
coordinate by home position
reset function (Resetting of
home position coordinate)