0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 91
FastFacts 20.8: Invalid HIT calibration
20.9 No REM ref. mic. detected
FastFacts 20.9: No REM ref. mic. detected
20.10 Invalid REM calibration
FastFacts 20.10: Invalid REM calibration
No REM reference mic. detected.
Check connection on the REM probe microphone.
v Check that a probe microphone assembly is securely plugged into the PROBE
socket to the left of the test chamber.
v Unplug the HIT reference microphone in the test chamber and plug the REM
probe microphone in its place. Try HIT calibration using the reference
microphone of the REM probe microphone in place of the HIT reference
microphone. If this is fails, the REM probe microphone is defective and must
be replaced.
This message may be displayed during the REM calibration procedure. It indicates
that the calibration curve is significantly different from what is expected. It may be
accompanied by a REM reference microphone error.
v Check that a probe microphone assembly is securely plugged into the PROBE
socket to the left of the test chamber.
v Try using a new probe tube. Ensure it is correctly attached and positioned.
v Try the steps in 20.9: No REM ref. mic. detected.
v Unplug the coupler microphone from the test chamber and plug the REM
probe microphone in its place. Position the open end of the probe tube near
the HIT reference microphone in the test chamber (use putty to hold it) and
close the test chamber lid. Run a Multicurve test at a stimulus level of 70 dB
SPL. The result should have the shape of a normal REM calibration curve. If it
does not, the REM microphone is defective and must be replaced.
This message may be displayed during the HIT calibration procedure. It indicates
that the calibration curve is significantly different from what is expected. It may be
accompanied by a missing HIT reference microphone error.
v Check that the there is no coupler on the coupler microphone and that the
microphones are correctly positioned for HIT calibration.
v Check that the coupler microphone is securely plugged into the correct socket.
v Follow the suggestions in 20.7: No HIT reference mic. detected.