0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 43
8.8 ANSI telecoil terminology
FastFacts 8.8: ANSI telecoil terminology
The RM500SL test chamber contains an integrated telephone magnetic field
simulator (TMFS) meeting the requirements of ANSI S3.22, that enable the
measurement of coupler SPL produced by a hearing instrument with a telephone
pickup coil. ANSI uses the following terms in telecoil testing:
RTG (reference test gain) is the average gain measured with the gain control in
the reference test position (1996) or reference test setting (2003). See 8.2: ANSI
S3.22-1996 facts and 8.3: ANSI S3.22-2003 facts.
TMFS (Telephone magnetic field simulator). A 38.4-mm diameter coil spaced 16.5
mm below a test surfaced driven by a specified test signal. Intended to simulate a
telephone handset receiver.
SPLITS (Coupler SPL for an inductive telephone simulator). SPL developed in a
2cc coupler by a hearing instrument with the gain control in the RTP (1996) or
RTS (2003) when the input is the magnetic field generated by a TMFS.
HFA (or SPA) –SPLITS. Average of the SPLITS at HFA or SPA frequencies.
STS (1996 - simulated telephone sensitivity) or RSETS (2003 - relative simulated
equivalent telephone sensitivity) is calculated as HFA (or SPA) SPLITS minus
(RTG + 60). A positive STS or RSETS indicates greater output when using the
telephone than when using the microphone.