0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 7
1.2 New in this software release
FastFacts 1.2: New in this software release
1.3 Electronic user’s guide
FastFacts 1.3: Electronic users guide
the following significant
1) A Sensory Loss Simulator (SLS) which provides an accurate simulation of
cochlear hearing loss for parents, teachers and others to experience.
2) DSL® 5, which provides targets for adults, allowances for ABR and bone
conduction thresholds and speech targets for the stimulus level selected. (Note
that targets do not appear until an REAR test has been started.)
3) Open Fitting protocol in Speechmap which can be used to fit instruments with
large vents or open ear molds.
4) A new calibrated speech passage to augment the “carrots” passage.
5) Screen images and test data may be saved to files on a USB memory stick.
6) Support for PostScript printers, including color laser printers.
7) Realtime rms levels for broadband signals like speech and pink noise.
8) The Scroll wheel on a mouse may be used to traverse long lists and Help.
9) RECD measurements are now less sensitive to ambient noise.
10) MPO tone bursts have been lengthened to 128ms for better correlation with
loudness perception.
11) Input-Output screens now have a cursor readout. Left click on any graph.
12) New calibration & equalization signals improve accuracy and noise rejection.
13) Speech level now goes down to 50dB SPL.
14) Hatching legends and curve numbers are shown on printouts for better
identification on black and white printouts.
Please consult the relevant section of this User’s Guide or Help for more details.
A printable user’s guide is on the Audioscan CD-ROM supplied with a new
instrument or mailed as a software update. A .pdf file viewer, such as Acrobat
Reader (5.0 or higher) or Foxit Reader is required to view the User’s Guide. Foxit
Reader is supplied on the CD-ROM.
1) Insert the CD-ROM into the CD drive on your computer.
2) Select My Computer, then the CD drive and the User’s Guide folder.
3) To install Foxit Reader, copy FoxitReader.exe to an appropriate location on
your PC. To run FoxitReader.exe double click it.
4) To view the User’s Guide, double-click the RM500SLUsersGuide.pdf file.
The User’s Guide may also be downloaded from www.audioscan.com.