0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 78
18.3 Assessment data choices - 1
FastFacts 18.3: Assessment data choices - 1
The following audiometric assessment parameters can be specified in the
Speechmap Audiometry setup box. Defaults are the last-used choices if test setup
memory has been turned on. See 4.4: Saving test setup.
1) Target: Select fitting targets from [DSL adult, DSL child, NAL-NL1, None]. DSL
5 and NAL-NL1 differ in the derivation of amplified LTASS and RESR targets.
Selecting [None] eliminates the LTASS targets; UCL estimates are from DSL.
2) Age: This is permitted for [DSL child] target only. Select client’s age in months
from [1 months to 60 months] or years from [6 years to 10 years]. For children
older than 10 yrs, previously fit using DSL, choose Adult.
3) Transducer: Type of audiogram. Select from [Headphone, Insert + Foam,
Insert + Mold, Soundfield, ABR (eHL), ABR (nHL)]. If Insert + Foam or Mold
is selected, the appropriate RECD will be used to convert entered HL values to
SPL values. If Soundfield is selected appropriate real-ear unaided gain
(REUG) values @ 45 degrees azimuth, will be used to convert HL values to
SPL values. If ABR (eHL) is selected, entered thresholds will be treated as
behavioral pure tone thresholds. If ABR (nHL) is selected, nHL to eHL
conversion factors may be selected from [Default, Enter]. In either case, an
insert earphone is assumed for sound delivery and the appropriate RECD will
be applied. Note that, in some facilities, nHL is defined in such a way that it is
effectively eHL; in these cases, ABR (eHL) should be selected. See 10.6: ABR
nHL to eHL setup and 18.4: Assessment data choices - 2.
4) Bone conduction: Select from [N/A, Enter]. If [Enter] is selected, an entry
screen will be provided after the air conduction thresholds have been entered.
Continued in: 18.4: Assessment data choices - 2