0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 90
20.5 HIT curves differ from specifications
FastFacts 20.5: HIT curves differ from specifications
20.6 HIT speaker overdriven
FastFacts 20.6: HIT speaker overdriven
20.7 No HIT reference mic. detected
FastFacts 20.7: No HIT reference mic. detected
The OSPL90 and response curves don’t look like the manufacturer’s.
v Check that all controls or program settings are the same as those used by the
v Check that vents on earmolds or ITE instruments are plugged at the faceplate.
v Check that ITE instruments are well sealed to the coupler.
v When puttying a hearing instrument into the ITE coupler, be sure to keep the
canal portion of the instrument flush with the inside of the 2cc volume.
v Ensure that the HIT chamber is sealed tightly.
v Ensure that the HIT microphone calibration was performed correctly.
v Check that the coupler is screwed tightly onto the coupler microphone.
No HIT reference mic. detected!
This message may be displayed when starting a hearing instrument test. It
indicates that the RM500SL is not measuring any sound at the HIT reference
microphone. The HIT reference microphone is the white microphone located in the
test chamber.
v Ensure that the white HIT reference microphone is secure. Unplug it and plug
it in again, ensuring that it ‘clicks’ into place. Try the HIT calibration procedure
v Unplug the HIT reference microphone and plug the REM probe microphone in
its place. Try HIT calibration using the reference microphone of the REM probe
microphone in place of the HIT reference microphone. If this is successful, the
HIT reference microphone is defective and must be replaced.
This message indicates that the test chamber speaker is unable to produce the
SPL required for a test.
v Check that the test chamber lid is closed and sealed.
v Check that the HIT calibration looks normal.
v Check that the hearing instrument under test is not feeding back.
v Try running a REM test.