0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 68
16.6 REAR measurement procedure
FastFacts 16.6: REAR measurement procedure
Press <Tests>, then highlight and <PICK> [Insertion gain] from the REM list
2) Referring to 10: Real-Ear Measurement Setup and 11: REM Screen Setup,
prepare the system, position the patient and insert the probe tube. (For tight-
fitting hearing aids or earmolds, the probe tube may be inserted through a vent.)
3) Without disturbing the probe tube, insert the hearing instrument or earmold.
4) Referring to 16.4: Audiometric data entry, enter threshold data.
5) Highlight and <PICK> button 1, 2, or 3 in the REAR/REIG column. This will
present a signal from the REM speaker and display the REAR Setup box.
6) Highlight and <PICK> [Stimulus], then highlight and <PICK> [Pink noise] or
[Swept]. Use pink noise when using the NAL-NL1 fitting formula. Use Swept
when testing maximum output capabilities.
7) Highlight and <PICK> [Level], then highlight and <PICK> a stimulus level from
the list box. Use the level shown on the target REIG curves. If no level is
shown, use the lowest level required to overcome background noise.
8) Adjust the hearing instrument so that the REIG curve (SPL scale) or Aided
threshold curve (HL scale) approximates the dotted target curve. For multi-level
targets, match each curve using the stimulus level indicated.
9) Press <Continue> to complete the test and capture the data.
See 16.2: Insertion gain in SPL and 16.3: Insertion gain in HL for an explanation of
screen curves. See 16.7:SII calculation in Insertion gain
NOTE: Because it is analyzed in 1/3 octave bands, the Noise stimulus produces a
REAR up to 12 dB below that produced by the Swept stimulus at the same overall
level. The REIGs will be similar except at levels which cause non-linear operation
of the hearing instrument.