Chapter 1
• Drum voice is the voice category that specifies drum
voices. In this category, drum voices can be freely assigned,
and you can select a different drum voice for each part.
However it will not be possible to edit the drum voice.
• If you wish to edit a drum voice, you can use the three voice
categories drum setup 1
– drum setup 3 . These
categories “overlay” a drum voice with a drum setup that
can be edited. This means that by editing the drum setup for
a part that is set to this category, you can indirectly edit a
drum voice. However if you specify the same drum setup
for two or more parts, editing one of the parts will auto-
matically edit the drum voice for the other part.
Program number
• The program number specifies the voice number to select
the voice. The voices selected by the program number will
depend on the voice category setting.
• If the voice category is set to a Normal
voice, program
numbers 1 – 128 will allow you to select the 128 voices of
the XG basic bank (= GM System Level 1).
• If the voice category is other than Normal
voice, it will
not necessarily be the case that each program number se-
lects a different voice. Also, if SFX voice
is selected as
the category, some program numbers will produce no sound.
• For lists of voices, refer to the List Book.
Bank number
• Bank number is effective only for parts whose voice cat-
egory is set to Normal voice
• The Bank number specifies the XG expansion banks to se-
lect variation voices relative to the 128 voices of the XG
basic bank (= GM System Level 1).
• For example with program number 17 “DrawOrgn”, varia-
tion voices can be selected by changing the bank number to
64 to select “Organ Ba”, 65 to select “70sDrOr2”, 66 to
select “CheezOrg,” or 67 to select “DrawOrg3.”
Selecting voices via MIDI
• Voice Category, Program Number, and Bank Number re-
spectively correspond to the MIDI messages Bank Select
MSB, Program Change, and Bank Select LSB. When using
MIDI to select a voice, transmit these three MIDI messages
in the order of Bank Select MSB, Bank Select LSB, and
Program Change.
• The voice categories Drum Setup 1
– Drum Setup 3
are selected using MIDI System Exclusive messages.
• Each voice is placed in a three-dimensional space with the
three axes being the Bank Select MSB, LSB, and Program
Change (see diagram below).
• The Bank Select MSB and LSB are used to manage 105
voice banks.
MSB=000 : LSB=000 (Normal voices: XG basic bank
= GM System Level 1)
MSB=000 : LSB-001 – 101 (Normal voices: XG extension banks)
MSB=064 : LSB=000 (SFX voices)
MSB=126 : LSB=000 (SFX kits)
MSB=127 : LSB=000 (Drum voices)
• The voices within the bank specified by the Bank Select
messages are selected by Program Change messages.
Program Change=000 – 127
Voice Category
Program Change=000–127
Bank Number