146 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
2. Segment and notes (M and Note=)
• The two boxes at the top of the screen (to the right of the
M) select the track segment over which adjustment is car-
ried out. The first box sets the measure and beat for the start
point; the second box sets the end point. The Note boxes
select the range of notes (pitches) to be targeted by the ad-
justment: notes with pitches outside this range are not af-
Measure: beat 001:1,...,999:8
Note range C-2,...,G8
3. Set all
• Use this parameter if you want to set the velocities of all
targeted notes to the same fixed value (1 to 127). If you do
not want to use this feature (if you want to make the linear
adjustment instead), set the value to Off.
• Note that if the setting is other than Off, the Rate and Offset
values are ignored.
Off (0), 001,...,127
4. Rate
• The Rate parameter applies a proportional change to the
velocities of all targeted notes. A setting of 100% produces
no change; a setting of 50% cuts the velocities in half; a
setting of 200% causes the velocities to double.
5. Offset
• This parameter adds a fixed value to each of the Rate-ad-
justed velocity values. A setting of 0 produces no change.
Positive values increase the velocity, while negative values
decrease it.
7. Song Jobs
Original velocities
Rate = 50%
96 64 32 127 96
Rate = 150%
127 96 48 127 127
48 32 16 63 48
Original velocities
Offset = -20
96 64 32 127 96
Offset = +20
116 84 52 127 116
76 44 12 107 76