285Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
7. Pattern Jobs
1. Style name
• When the screen first appears, the Style entry shows the
name of the currently selected style. You can overwrite as
necessary to create the new name.
Supported characters:
0,...,9, a,...,z, A,...,Z " ' ^ ( ) < = > @ | \ _ ! ? # $ % &
* + - / , . : ; space
2. Section
• You can use the Section setting (in the square box) to select
the section that you want to name.
3. Pattern name
• After selecting the section, move the cursor into the rectan-
gular area to the right, and enter or change the pattern name
as necessary .
Supported characters:
0,...,9, a,...,z, A,...,Z " ' ^ ( ) < = > @ | \ _ ! ? # $ % &
* + - / , . : ; space
1. Move the cursor into the name-entry area for the name
you want to set.
2. Use the numeric keypad and the microkeyboard to
enter each character. You can use the l and r
keys to move the cursor left or right as necessary.
• For information about how to enter characters, refer to Chap-
ter 1. (→ p.53)
3. When you have finished entering the names, press
e twice to return to the PATCH screen. You can
then check whether the names appear correctly.
• Note that you do not need to press e to enter the name.
Job 30 Style Icon
• You use this job to change the icon for the currently se-
lected style. You can choose from 160 icons.
Move the cursor to the desired icon, then press e.