Chapter 3. VOICE MODE
• Velocity Sensitivity Depth = 0
• Velocity Sensitivity Offset = 112
• This setting causes the tone generator to
apply a fixed velocity, regardless of the key-
board playing strength.
• This setting is convenient for organ-type
• By raising or lowering the Velocity Sensi-
tivity Offset, you can vary the velocity that
is applied by the tone generator. A setting
of 64 produces a velocity of 1. A setting of
127 produces the maximum velocity.
• Velocity Sensitivity Depth = 32
• Velocity Sensitivity Offset = 96
• This setting is suitable when you want ve-
locity to change in response to keyboard
playing dynamics, but you don’t want the
velocity value to drop too low.
• This setting is useful for brass riffs or for
solo instruments.
7. Portamento switch, Portamento time
• Portamento is a function that smoothly changes the pitch
between two notes of different pitch.
• Portamento Switch specifies whether or not portamento will
be applied to each part.
• Portamento Time specifies the way in which portamento is
applied to each part. Higher values will cause the pitch to
change more slowly. Lower values will produce a faster
• Portamento will not apply to drum voices or SFX kit voices.
Portamento Switch Off, On
Portamento Time 000–127
8. Modulation Wheel LFO depth pitch modulation,
Modulation Wheel LFO depth filter modulation,
Modulation Wheel LFO depth amplitude modulation
• For each part, these parameters specify the depth of the LFO
effect on pitch, filter, and amplitude that is controlled by
the modulation wheel.
• Pitch modulation is vibrato, filter modulation is wah, am-
plitude modulation is tremolo.
• Higher values will produce a deeper effect.
000 – 127
9. Filter cutoff, Filter cutoff resonance
• For each part, these parameters adjust the cutoff frequency
of the filter, modifying the tone.
• Since the filters of the QY700 are low pass filters, the por-
tion of the sound above the cutoff frequency will be cut.
• A low cutoff frequency will remove many of the overtones,
causing the sound to be darker and mellower.
• A high cutoff frequency will cut few or none of the over-
tones, allowing the original bright sound of the waveform
to be output.
3. Voice edit
Keyboard playing strength
Velocity applied by tone generator
board pla
Velocity applied by tone generator