211Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
6. High key
• This setting determines the highest key that the chord root
can take following transposition. The setting applies only
to phrases of the following types: Mldy1, Chrd1, and Bass.
• To transpose any of these phrase types, the QY700 normally
shifts the root upwards by the number of semitones separat-
ing the source chord’s root and the new chord’s root. Be-
cause too large a shift upward can cause the phrase to lose
its original character, however, the QY700 will automati-
cally shift downward, by one octave, any transposition that
would move to a root higher than the value set here.
7. Voice category, program number, bank
number, and voice name
• The first three values (voice category, program number, and
bank number) select the voice used to play the phrase. The
screen also displays the selected voice’s name.
• The voice category selects the general voice class, as given
by the Bank Select MSB (the most significant byte of the
Bank Select value).
• The program number selects the voice within the category.
• The bank number (or Bank Select LSB) can be used to se-
lect one of the alternative voices assigned to the program
number. This value is effective only with respect to voices
in the “normal” category; the value is fixed at 000 for all
other categories.
Voice category
Normal voice (Bank Select MSB = 000).
SFX voice (Bank Select MSB = 064). This type of SFX
voice (sound-effects voice) has the same character over
the full range of the keyboard, but different keys pro-
duce the sound in different pitches (as with a normal
SFX kit (Bank Select MSB = 126). This type of voice
exists as a collection of different sounds, so that each
key produces a different kind of sound effect.
Drum voice (Bank Select MSB = 127). As with the SFX
kit, each key produces a different type of drum sound.
Note that these sounds cannot be changed directly by
Program number
Bank number
• For more information above voice and bank settings, refer
to Chapter 1. (→ p.43)
• For a listing of voice names, voice numbers, and bank set-
tings, refer to the QY700 Reference Listings.
8. Source chord
• This value shows the phrase’s original key (the key and chord
value under which the phrase was originally played). The
QY700 uses this value as the basis for executing chord con-
versions on the phrase.
• You can set this value only when recording a new user
phrase. Be sure to set the value correctly, as an incorrect
setting may lead to improper transpositions.
Chord root
C, C
, D, E
, E, F, F
, G, A
, A, B
, B
(Where C
is equivalent to D
, etc.)
Chord type
M, M7, 6, 7, m, m7, m6, mM7, m7(
5), dim, aug, sus4,
add9, M7(9), 6(9), 7(9), madd9, m7(9), m7(11), 7(
5), 7(
9), 7(
9), 7(13), 7(
13), 7sus4, 7(
11),--- (THRU)
• For information about setting up chords, refer to Chapter 1.
(→ p.61)