Clock: A unit of timing resolution. On the QY700, one clock is a length
of 1/480th of a quarter note.
Control change: A group of MIDI messages that are output when a
controller (modulation wheel, foot controller etc.) is operated.
Each controller has its own control number.
Cutoff frequency: Filters work by allowing the portion of the signal
lower than a given frequency to pass, and cutting the portion of
the signal above that frequency. This frequency is referred to as
the cutoff frequency.
Decay time: The time from when the maximum volume of a note is
reached until it falls to the sustain level.
Delay: An effect (or device) that delays an audio signal. The QY700’s
Variation effect allows a delay to be applied.
Depth: The amount or degree of a setting or effect.
Dry sound: The audio signal that is not processed by an effect. Normally
when using an effect, not all of the audio signal is passed through
the effect. Rather, the degree of the effect is adjusted by mixing
the sound that passes through the effect (the wet sound) with the
sound that bypasses the effect (the dry sound).
Dump out: The process of transmitting bulk data as MIDI System Ex-
clusive messages.
Echo back: The action or process in which data received at the MIDI IN
connector is re-transmitted from the MIDI OUT connector.
Edit: The action of modifying or editing data.
Effect: A block (device) that processes the sound to add various effects.
The QY700 provides two system effects (reverb and chorus),
and one effect (variation) which can be used either as a system
effect or as insertion effect.
Element: A block within the AWM2 tone generator that generates a sound.
The voices of the QY700 consist of 1 to 2 elements.
Envelope Generator (EG): A block that modifies the level of the tone
generator from the moment that a note is played until the sound
decays to silence. The AEG controls the volume, the PEG con-
trols the pitch, and the FEG controls the filter.
ESEQ: A sequence data file format developed by Yamaha. ESEQ-com-
patible products can exchange sequence data via floppy disk.
(Disks commercially available for Clavinovas and piano players
are exceptions.)
Event: A single piece (such as Note On/Off or Program Change mes-
sages) of the data which makes up a sequence.
Exclusive: See the entry for System Exclusive.
Expression: A MIDI control change message used to control the vol-
ume of a part.
4. Glossary
Aftertouch: MIDI messages which are transmitted when additional pres-
sure is applied to the keyboard after notes are played.
Attack time: The time over which the volume rises from 0 when a note is
played until the maximum volume is reached.
AWM2 tone generation: A method of generating sound developed by
Yamaha which is based on digitally recorded waveforms. Since
it generates the complex waveform of actual acoustic instruments,
it provides extremely realistic sounds. Digital filtering is also
built-in, allowing precise control over the tone. AWM2 is an ac-
ronym for Advanced Wave Memory 2.
Bank number: A number which selects a variation voice from an XG
extension bank, relative to the voice selected by the Program
Number from the 128 voices of the XG basic bank (GM system
level 1)
Beat: When playing back or recording a song, one “beat” (a rhythmic
subdivision of a measure).
Beat graph: When using step recording on the QY700 to input notes, a
graphic display that indicates the input location.
Brilliance: A control or parameter that regulates the brightness of the
tone. The cutoff frequency of the QY700’s filters can be control-
led to adjust the brilliance.
Bulk data: A type of System Exclusive message which contains a collec-
tion of data for the internal settings of a device.
Bus line: A route (line) that carries audio signals from each part or block.
The bus lines of the QY700 include “SendVar → Cho,” “SendVar
→ Rev” and “SendCho → Rev,” and the stereo bus line that col-
lects the stereo output of each block.
Bypass: An alternative to the usual route. When the QY700’s effects are
used with a setting of Variation Mode = System, “bypass” refers
to the bus line that allows the outputs of the chorus and variation
effects to be re-input into a different effect.
Channel: The means by which the receiver receives only those MIDI
messages that are sent from the specified transmitter.
Chord conversion table: The section which contains data that specifies
how the 12 types of Chord Root × 28 types of Chord Type will
modify the notes in the scale.
Chord root: An alphabetical letter which indicates the root of a chord.
The QY700 lets you specify 12 different chord roots.
Chord track: A track that lets you record and playback Chord Roots and
Chord Types.
Chord type: A symbolic or numerical indication of how a chord is com-
posed. The QY700 allows you to select from 28 chord types.
Chorus: A type of effect that adds richness and depth to the sound, simi-
lar to what happens when multiple sound sources are heard si-
Click: A metronome that is sounded when playing back or recording on a
4. Glossary