122 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
• The location area indicates the current position of the loca-
tion pointer. The first number gives the measure, the second
gives the beat, and the third gives the number of clock cy-
cles following the beat (the clock count).
• Note that each beat is divided into 480 clock cycles (000 to
479). A clock count of 000 indicates that the pointer is at
the start of the beat; a value of 240 indicates that it is at the
center of the beat.
• You can use the location setting to jump the location pointer
to a different measure, as described in the following proce-
1. Press d [D1] to move the cursor into the location
2. Select the new location using the data dial, n/y, or
the numeric keypad.
Step Time
• This parameter sets the step time for the next note to be
input, clock cycles.
• You can use the upper setting area to set the step time by
note type. The easiest way to make this setting is by press-
ing the appropriate numeric key, as shown below. Note that
after entering a note type (by pressing a key between [1]
and [9]), you can change it into the corresponding dotted
note by pressing [0] once. Or you can change it to a double-
dotted note by pressing [0] twice. When you select the note
type, the clock-cycle value (in the lower setting area) sets
• The lower part of the step-time entry area sets the step time
by clock cycles. You can set to any value from 0001 to 9999.
If the input value matches the cycle length of any of the
notes indicated above (or the corresponding dotted note),
the note image will appear in the upper part of the entry
1. Press d [D2] to move the cursor to the upper part
of the step time entry area.
2. To set the step time by note type, select the desired
note image. You can make your selection using the
data dial or n/y, or by pressing the appropriate
note-image key on the numeric keypad.
3. If you want to set the step by number of cycles, press
d [D2] again to move the cursor to the lower part
of the area.
4. Set the cycle value, using the data dial, n/y, or the
numeric keypad.
5. Song Recording
000 120 360240
Quarter-note triplet
(320 cycles)
Eighth-note triplet
(160 cycles)
16th-note triplet
(80 cycles)
Eighth note
(240 cycles)
16th note
(120 cycles)
32nd note
(60 cycles)
Whole note
(1920 cycles)
Half note
(960 cycles)
Quarter note
(480 cycles)
Dotted note