208 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
1. Move the cursor to an appropriate space in the matrix
2. Press n/y or rotate the data dial to cause a phrase
number to appear.
3. Move the cursor to each of the fields of the phrase
number (instrument category, beat value, and sequen-
tial number) in turn. For each field, select the appro-
priate value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
• Phrase numbers for user phrases do not include a beat value.
• You can record new user phrases using the Phrase Record-
ing submode. (→ p.247)
5 (Rest)
• You use this function to enter a rest into the cursor-selected
space on the matrix.
• The rest causes any phrase that is already playing on that
track to stop, so that the track becomes silent. The track
remains silent until the next phrase entry appears.
6 (Clear)
• Use this function to delete any entry (phrase or rest) from
the matrix. Simply move the cursor to the entry, and then
press 6 (Clear).
4 (PhrSolo)
• The “phrase-solo” feature lets you play a single phrase re-
peatedly. Just move the cursor to the phrase you want to
hear, and then press 4 (PhrSolo). All other phrases
immediately stop playing, and the selected phrase plays re-
• While this feature remains selected, you can switch play
from one phrase to another by moving the cursor. Phrase-
solo operation continues in effect until you press 4
(PhrSolo) once again to switch it off.
• Once you have moved into phrase-solo operation, you can
press 6 (PhrTable) (→ p.209) to access the phrase
table for the selected phrase. This table shows the various
internal settings for the phrase, as described immediately