306 Chapter 7. DISK MODE
XG header
• When saving a song in Song ESEQ and Song SMF formats,
you can press 4 (XG HEADR) to highlight it, so that
1 or 2 setup measures will be added to the beginning of the
musical data when it is saved. The QY700’s Voice mode
and Effect mode data that is required to set up the tone gen-
erator will be inserted in the form of MIDI System Exclu-
sive data into these setup measures.
• This function lets you create setup measure easily, without
requiring an advanced knowledge of MIDI.
• Since MIDI data that sets up the tone generator is contained
at the beginning of song data that was saved with an XG
header, the song can be played back using another sequencer
and XG-compatible tone generator to produce the same
musical result.
• When a file saved with an XG header is loaded and then
saved once again with the XG Header setting highlighted,
tone generator setup data will again be inserted at the be-
ginning of the song, resulting in duplicate data. For this rea-
son, before saving the data for the second time, you should
use the Song job Delete Measure to delete the previous setup
measures that were added.
• When a file saved with an XG header is loaded and played
back, the tempo may lag slightly during measures 1 – 2.
This is because the setup measures that were added contain
bulk data. However this will have no effect on the playback
of the original portion of the song data.
• When a file saved with an XG header is loaded and played
back, all settings of Voice mode and Effect mode will be
ignored. If you wish to keep the Voice mode and Effect mode
settings, use the Song job Delete Measure to delete the setup
measures that were added.
Data filename extensions
• When the above-mentioned five types of data are saved by
the QY700, a filename extension (three characters indicat-
ing the type of file) will be automatically added to the name
of the file as follows.
1. All Data .Q7A
2. Style .Q7P
3. Song .Q7S
4. Song ESEQ .ESQ
5. Song SMF .MID
About Disk mode