220 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
• You use this page to adjust note pitches and chord develop-
ment on each track. These settings allow you to obtain a
wide range of variations in the pattern’s sound.
• You can access and edit the drum-table data by pressing
4 (DrTabEdit).
1. At the Play Effects screen, press 3 (Transpose).
▼ The Transpose page appears.
2. Move the cursor to each of the parameters you want
to change, and set the new value using the data dial,
n/y, or the numeric keypad.
3. When you have finished making changes, press e
to return to the PATCH screen.
• The playback keys (p, s, t, r/f) continue to
function while you are adjusting the settings, so that you
can monitor the results of your changes as you make them.
• Adjustment shortcut 1: To adjust the cursor-selected pa-
rameter by an equal amount on all tracks, hold down s
while rotating the data dial or pressing n or y.
• Adjustment Shortcut 2: To set the cursor-selected param-
eter to the same value on all tracks, hold down s and
enter the value at the numeric keypad.
The first three parameters listed in the table above (“track number,”
“measure,” and “THRU”) are identical to those on the Groove
Quantize page; refer to page 214. The remaining parameters are
described below.
19. Drum table
• Drum tables are required to handle rhythm data produced
by drum machines that are not XG or GM compatible. As
these machines may use different numbering arrangements
to identify the various rhythm instruments, it becomes nec-
essary to make appropriate substitutions when playing back
the recorded data. Failure to make these substitutions will
cause the “wrong” instruments to be produced.
• Each drum table therefore contains a list of rhythm-instru-
ment substitutions. You can select the table separately for
each track.
• You can also use the drum table to experiment with your
own customized substitutions. This can be an easy way to
try out different instrument combinations.
• The QY700 stores eight different drum tables. To view or
edit the contents of a drum table you must press 4
(DrTabEdit) to move into the Drum-Table Edit page. (→
-- (=none),1,...,8
1. Move the cursor to the DR TABLE setting for the ap-
propriate track.
2. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
20. Transposition
• You use this setting to transpose all notes on the track.
• Transposition is in semitone increments. Setting the value
to +12, therefore, raises the pitch of all notes on the track
by exactly one octave. A setting of -12 drops the pitch by
exactly one octave.
1. Move the cursor to the TRANSPOSE setting for the
track you want to transpose.
2. Set the value using the data dial,n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
21. Inversion transposition
• This parameter implements chord-based transposition on
each track.
• This feature allows you to adjust chord pitch while retain-
ing the original sense of the chord. The adjustment is dis-
tinct from the TRANSPOSE adjustment, which can cause a
noticeable change in the chord’s feeling.
1. Move the cursor to the INVERSION TRANSPOSE
setting for the track you want to adjust.
2. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
• For Mldy1, Chrd1, and Bass-type phrases, each increment
of the INVERSION TRANSPOSE value produces a whole-
tone increment in the phrase table’s low and high limit val-
ues. An inversion transposition value of +1, for example,
would raise the both limit values by one whole tone (two
semitones) each.
• For Mldy2 and Chrd2 phrases, each increment of the IN-
VERSION TRANSPOSE value produces a whole-tone in-
crement in the original phrase’s pitch values, and in the root
of the phrase-table source chord.
2. Play Effects