Configuration Methods
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 2-15
Locking Parameters in the Configuration File
The IP Phones allow you to lock individual configuration parameters to prevent an end user from changing the configura-
tion on the phone. This feature allows service providers to prevent the end-user from changing the values of specific
parameters that would affect the service they provide.
An Administrator can lock parameters on the phone by placing an exclamation mark (
!) before the parameter in the con-
figuration file. For example,
!admin password: 22222
!emergency dial plan: 911|999
You can lock parameters on the phone using the configuration files. Once the parameters are locked, they cannot be
changed at all during the phones run-time. The parameters appear as read-only when accessing the Aastra Web UI and
the IP Phone UI. In the Aastra Web UI, they appear grayed out. In the IP Phone UI the ability to change the parameters is
removed. In addition, when parameters are locked, they cannot be changed via XML.
• A User possessing the Administrator password can bypass the locking of configuration server details by defaulting the
• Softkeys can be locked and unlocked via XML in Release 3.3.1 and up using the AastraIPPhoneConfiguration object
and softkeyN locked parameter (for more information about using the AastraIPPhoneConfiguration object, contact
Aastra Customer Support regarding the Aastra XML Development Guide). All other parameters cannot be locked or
unlocked using XML.
• Configuration files that include locked parameters are not backwards compatible.
Overwriting Parameters with Defaults in the Configuration Files
An Administrator can specify a “ ^ “ (caret character) before a configuration parameter in the aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, and
<mac>.cfg configuration files, which allows the parameter to be overwritten and reset back to a specified value. This can
be convenient when changes are made by a user to specific parameters on the phone locally (via Aastra Web UI or IP
Phone UI), and the Administrator wants to set the parameters back to the default values using the configuration files.
Configuration Files
1. Using a text-based editing application, open the configuration file for the phone, for which you want to configure the directory list (either
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg,
<mac>.cfg or all three).
2. Enter the required configuration parameters followed by the applicable value. For example,
directory 1: company_directory
directory 2: my_personal_directory
3. Save the changes and close the configuration file.
4. If the parameter requires the phone to be restarted in order for it to take affect, use the IP Phone UI or the Aastra Web UI to restart the
• The “parameter locking” feature applies to Release 2.4 and up. Any phones that have a previous release loaded on the
phone will not be able to use the locking functionality in the configuration file.
• Any parameter duplicated in the <model>.cfg from the aastra.cfg is overwritten by the locking status and the value
of the parameter found in the <model>.cfg file. Parameters in the <mac>.cfg file overwrite parameters in the
<model>.cfg and aastra.cfg files.