Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
A-71 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Parameter –
sip lineN password
(N is a line number from 1 to 9)
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description The password that will be used to register at the registrar.
Format Text
Default Value Not Applicable
Range Up to 20 alphanumeric characters
Example sip line1 password: 12345
Parameter –
sip lineN bla number
(N is a line number from 1 to 9)
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Allows you to assign a phone number that is shared on specific lines on the IP phone.
For Sylantro Server:
When configuring the BLA feature on a Sylantro server, the value set for the sip lineN
bla number parameter shall be the same value set for the sip lineN user name
parameter for all the phones in the group. For example, if sip lineN user name is 1010,
you would configure BLA on a per-line basis for the Sylantro server as follows:
sip line1 user name: 1010(# for all the phones)
sip line1 bla number: 1010
For ININ Server:
When configuring the BLA feature on an ININ server, the value set for the sip lineN bla
number parameter shall be the same value set for the sip lineN user name parameter
without the incremented digit added to the phone #. For example, if the sip lineN user
name for the first phone is 10101, and the sip lineN user name for the second phone is
10102, etc. you would configure BLA on a per-line basis for the ININ server as follows:
sip line1 user name: 10101(# for phone 1 with)
sip line1 bla number: 1010appearance of phone 3)
sip line1 user name: 10102(# for phone 2 with)
sip line1 bla number: 1010appearance of phone 3)
sip line1 user name: 1010(# for phone 3)
sip line1 bla number: 1010
The original phone number which has the bridged line appearance on other phones,
will have the "sip lineN user name" parameter the same as the "sip lineN bla number"
(1010 in the above example on Phone 3).
Format Integer
Default Value Not Applicable
Range Not Applicable
Example Sylantro Server:
sip line1 bla number: 1010
ININ Server:
sip line 1 bla number: 1010