Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
A-87 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Missed Call Summary Subscription Settings
Global Parameters
Parameter –
sip missed call summary
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Enables or disables the Missed Call Summary Subscription feature.
This feature allows missed calls that have been redirected by the server, to be incre-
mented in the missed calls indicator on the phone it was initially directed to.
For example, phones A, B, and C are connected to the server. You configure the server to
direct calls coming into phone B (which has voicemail configured) to be forwarded to
phone C. When phone A calls sip missed call summary subscription parameter, phone
B receives notification from the server that the call was forwarded and the missed calls
indicator is incremented on phone B.
You must configure voicemail on the phone that the call was initially directed to (phone B
in the above example).
Format Boolean
Default Value 0 (disabled)
Range 0 (disabled)
1 (enabled)
Example sip missed call summary subscription: 1
Parameter –
sip missed call summary
subscription period
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the phone uses the Missed Calls Summary
Subscription feature. This parameter is always enabled with a default value of 86400 sec-
onds. When the phone reaches the limit set for this parameter, it sends the subscription
To disable this parameter, leave the field blank or set the field to zero (0).
Format Integer
Default Value 86400
Range 0 - 99999999
Example sip missed call summary subscription period: 70000