Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
A-47 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Custom Time Zone and DST Settings
To use the parameters in this section, the “time zone name” parameter must be set to “Custom”. Se e pageA-41 for
more information.
Parameter –
time zone minutes
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description The number of minutes the timezone is offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
This can be positive (West of the Prime Meridian) or negative (East of the Prim Merid-
ian). Eastern Standard Time (EST) has a value of 300 which is the default.
Format Integer
Default Value 300
Range Any positive or negative Integers:
720(GMT minus 12 hours)
660(GMT minus 11 hours)
600(GMT minus 10 hours)
540(GMT minus 9 hours - Alaska Standard Time North America )
480(GMT minus 8 hours - Pacific Standard Time North America)
420(GMT minus 7 hours - Mountain Standard Time North America)
360(GMT minus 6 hours - Central Standard Time North America)
300(GMT minus 5 hours - Eastern Standard Time North America)
270(GMT minus 4.5 hours - Venezuela)
240(GMT minus 4 hours)
210(GMT minus 3.5 hours - Newfoundland Standard Time
North America)
180(GMT minus 3 hours)
150(GMT minus 2.5 hours - Newfoundland daylight time)
120(GMT minus 2 hours)
60(GMT minus 1 hour)
0(GMT = 0 hours - Greenwich Mean Time)
-60(GMT + 1 hour - Central European Time)
-120(GMT + 2 hours - Eastern European Time Europe)
-180(GMT + 3 hours)
-210(GMT + 3.5 hours)
-240(GMT + 4 hours)
-270(GMT + 4.5 hours)
-300(GMT + 5 hours)
-330(GMT + 5.5 hours)
-345(GMT + 5.75 hours)
-360(GMT + 6 hours)
-390(GMT + 6.5 hours)
-420(GMT + 7 hours - Christmas Island Time Australia)
-480(GMT + 8 hours - Australian Western Standard Time)
-540(GMT + 9 hours)
-570(GMT + 9.5 hours - Australian Central Standard Time)
-600(GMT + 10 hours - Australian Eastern Standard Time)
-660(GMT + 11 hours)
-720(GMT + 12 hours)
-780(GMT + 13 hours)
Example time zone minutes: 300