
Administrator Level Options
3-27 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Account Configuration
The IP phones have a DND and CFWD feature that allows an Administrator and User to configure “do not disturb” and
“call forwarding” by account. You can set specific modes for the way you want the phone to handle DND and CFWD. The
three modes you can set on the phone for these features are:
You can set the modes for DND and CFWD in the Aastra Web UI at the path Basic Settings->Preferences->General, or using
the following parameters in the configurations files:
dnd key mode
call forward key mode
The following table describes the behavior of the mode settings for DND and CFWD.
For more information about account configuration of DND and CFWD on the IP Phones, see Chapter 5, the sections:
For DND:
“DND Key Mode” on page5-73.
“Do Not Disturb (DND)” on page5-154.
“Call Forward Mode” on page5-75.
“Call Forwarding” on page5-190.
Network Settings
The following paragraphs describe the network parameters you can configure on the IP phone. Network settings are in
two categories:
Basic network settings
Advanced network settings
Account Sets DND for a specific account. A pre-configured DND
key toggles the account in focus on the IP Phone UI, to
ON or OFF.
Sets CFWD on a per account basis. Pressing a pre-configured CFWD key
applies to the account in focus
Phone Sets DND ON for all accounts on the phone. A pre-config-
ured DND key toggles all accounts on the phone to ON
or OFF.
Sets the same CFWD configuration for all accounts (All, Busy, and/or No
Answer). When you configure the initial account, the phone applies the con-
figuration to all other accounts. (In the Aastra Web UI, only the account you
configured is enabled. All other accounts are grayed out but set to the same
configuration.) Using the Aastra Web UI, if you make changes to that initial
account, the changes apply to all accounts on the phone.
Custom Sets the phone to display custom screens after pressing
a pre-configured DND key, that list the account(s) on the
phone. The user can select a specific account for DND,
turn DND ON for all accounts, or turn DND OFF for all
Sets CFWD for a specific account or all accounts. You can configure a specific
mode (All, Busy, and/or No Answer) for each account independently or all
accounts. On the 3-line LCD phones, you can set all accounts to ALL On or
ALL Off. On the 8 and 11-line LCD phones, you can set all accounts to All On,
All Off, or copy the configuration for the account in focus to all other
accounts using a CopytoAll softkey.
Specific parameters are configurable using the Aastra Web UI only and are indicated where applicable.