Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
A-133 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Per-Line Setting
Display of Call Destination for Incoming Calls
Display Name Customization Settings
Parameter –
sip lineN diversion display
(N is a line number from 1 to 9)
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description For a specific line on the phone, this parameter enables/disables the display of the Caller
ID and/or caller name, and reason for diversion on the phones LCD for an outgoing call
that is being diverted to another destination. The phone that receives the diverted call
displays the Caller ID of the original call destination.
You must restart the phone after setting a value for this parameter.
Format Boolean
Default Value 1
Range 0 (disabled - do not display diversion information to the phone’s LCD)
1 (enabled - display diversion information to the phone’s LCD)
Example sip line1 diversion display: 0
Parameter –
show call destination name
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Enable/disables the display of the call destination name to the LCD on the phone during
incoming calls.
Format Boolean
Default Value 0
Range 0 (disabled)
Example show call destination name: 1
Parameter –
directory lookup suppression
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Allows a pattern-based configuration whereby if the configured pattern is found in the From
header display name of an incoming call, the phone bypasses the local directory lookup and
shows the display name as intended by the call manager (i.e. as specified in the From
Patterns that can be defined include:
• “-->x+”
• “==>x+”
• “@@@x+”
• “aaax+”
• Use | to specify multiple OR combined patterns.
• Quotation marks must be used when defining the pattern.
Format String
Default Value NA
Range NA
Example directory lookup suppression pattern: “-->x+|==>x+|aaax+”