Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
A-107 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Directory Settings
Parameter –
directory 1
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description The name of a directory list that you can download from the configuration server.
You can use this parameter in three ways:
• To download no directory
• To download a directory from the original configuration server
• To download a directory from another specified server
To download a specific file, the string value MUST HAVE A FILENAME at the end of the
string. For example:
directory 1: tftp://
where “path” is the directory and “companylist.csv” is the filename. If you do not specify a
filename, the download fails.
See examples for each below.
Format Alphanumeric characters
Default Value Not Applicable
Range Not Applicable
Example The following example downloads no directory:
directory 1:
The following example downloads a company directory from the original configuration
directory 1:companylist.csv
The following example downloads a company directory file from the specified server in
the “path” directory:
directory 1: tftp://