Operational Features
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 5-187
Using the Park Call/Pickup Parked Call Feature
Use the following procedures on the IP phones to park a call and pick up a parked call.
Enhanced Park/Pickup Configuration Method (BroadSoft BroadWorks)
As mentioned above, Administrators have a choice between two methods of Park/Pickup configuration: static configura-
tion or programmable configuration. With the static configuration method, Administrators are required to define the
“sprecode” and “pickupsprecode” global configuration parameters (or alternatively define the “Park Call” and “Pickup
Parked Call” fields in the Aastra Web UI). By employing the static configuration method, the Park and Pickup keys are
automatically generated and displayed on the phone when the context presents itself (i.e. the Park key is presented during
an active call, and the Pickup key is presented when the call is parked). The benefit of this method is that individual Park
and Pickup keys do not have be defined. However, with this method, when the Park or Pickup key is pressed, the phone
seizes a secondary line to dial out using the Park or Pickup code.
With the programmable configuration method, Administrators are required to define the “sip park pickup config” (glo-
bal) or “sip lineN park pickup config” (per line) configuration parameter (or alternatively define the “Park Pickup Config”
field in the Aastra Web UI). By employing the programmable configuration method, individual Park and Pickup program-
IP Phone UI
Parking a Call
1. While on a live call, press the "Park" softkey.
2. Perform the following for your specific server:
If the call is parked successfully, the response is either a greeting voice confirming that the call was parked, or a hang up occurs. The parked
call party will get music on hold.
3. If the call fails, you can pick up the call (using the next procedure) and press the "Park" softkey again to retry step 2.
Picking up a Parked Call
4. Pick up the handset on the phone.
5. Enter the extension number where the call was parked.
6. Press the "Pickup" softkey.
If the call pick up is successful, you are connected with the parked call.
• Applicable to the 9840i, 9840i CT, 6735i, 6737i, 6755i, 6757i, and 6757i CT IP phones only.
• This feature can only be configured for networks utilizing the BroadSoft BroadWorks call manager.
For Asterisk Server:
Server announces the extension number
where the call has been parked. Once the
call is parked, press the Goodbye key to
complete parking.
For BroadWorks Server:
After you hear the greeting from the Call-
Park server, enter the extension where
you want to park the call.
For Sylantro Server:
Enter the extension number where you
want to park the call, followed by "#" key.
For ININ PBX Server:
Enter the extension number where you
want to park the call, followed by "#" key.