Administrator Level Options
3-47 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Polling Action URIs
Another way to reach a phone behind a NAT/firewall is to have the phone make an XML call at periodic intervals. An
Administrator can use the action uri poll to command the phone to perform an XML call at configurable intervals.
An Administrator can specify the URI to be called and specify the interval between polls. Configuration of this feature is
dynamic (no reboot required).
For more information about configuring the polling and polling interval of Action URIs, see “Polling Action URIs” on
Configuration Server Settings
The configuration server stores the firmware images, configuration files, and software when performing software
upgrades to the IP phone. An administrator can configure the following parameters for the configuration server:
Parameter In
IP Phone UI
Parameter in
Aastra Web UI
Parameters in Configuration
Download Protocol Settings
Download Protocol Download Protocol download protocol Protocol to use for downloading new versions of software to
the IP phone. Valid values are:
For DHCP to automatically populate the IP address or
domain name for the download servers, your DHCP server
must support Option 66. The IP phones also support Option
60 and 43.
For more information, see Chapter 4, the section, “DHCP” on
For more information about download protocols on the IP
Phone, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server Protocol” on
Primary TFTP TFTP Server tftp server The TFTP server’s IP address or qualified domain name. If
DHCP is enabled and the DHCP server provides the informa-
tion, this field is automatically populated. Use this parameter
to change the IP address or domain name of the TFTP server.
This will become effective after this configuration file has
been downloaded into the phone.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server
Protocol” on page4-87.
Primary TFTP Path TFTP Path tftp path Specifies the path name for which the configuration files
reside on the TFTP server for downloading to the IP Phone.
If the IP phone’s configuration and firmware files are located
in a sub-directory beneath the server’s root directory, the rel-
ative path to that sub-directory should be entered in this
Enter the path name in the form folderX\folderX\folderX. For
example, ipphone\6757i\configfiles.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server
Protocol” on page4-87.