
Configuration Methods
2-14 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Enabling/Disabling the Aastra Web UI
The Aastra Web UI is enabled by default on the IP phones. A System Administrator can disable the Aastra Web UI on a sin-
gle phone or on all phones if required using the configuration files.
System Administrators can also disable Users ability to login to the Aastra Web UI. With the Aastra Web UI disabled, users
will still be able to lock/unlock the phone with a PIN from the IP Phone. Administrators can disable the user Web UI using
the configuration file. System Administrators have the option to either disable the Web UI for both the Administrator and
User, enable for both the Administrator and User, or enable the Web UI only for the Administrator.Use the following pro-
cedure to enable and disable the Aastra Web UI.
To Disable the Aastra Web UI:
Configuration Files (Administrator Only)
A system administrator can enter specific parameters in the configuration files to configure the IP phones. All parameters
in configuration files can only be set by an administrator.
You can enter specific configuration parameters in either of the following configuration files:
For information about configuration file precedence, see Chapter 1, “Overview.”
For a description of each configuration file parameter, see AppendixA, “Configuration Parameters.”
Using the Configuration Files
When you use the configuration files to configure the IP phones, you must use a text-based editing application to open
the configuration file (aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, or <mac>.cfg).
Use the following procedure to add, delete, or change parameters and their settings in the configuration files.
Configuration Files
1. Using a text-based editing application, open the <mac>.cfg file if you want to disable the Web UI on a single phone. Open the aastra.cfg
file to disable the Web UI on all phones
2. Enter the following parameter:
web interface enabled: 0
A value of zero (0) disables the Web UI on the phone for Administrators and Users. A value of (1) enables the Web UI for Administrators and
Users. A value of (2) enables the Web UI for administrators only.
3. Save the changes and close the <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg or the aastra.cfg file.
4. Restart the phone to apply the changes. The Aastra Web UI is disabled for a single IP phone or for all phones.
Apply this procedure wherever this Administrator Guide refers to configuring parameters using the configuration files.