WFM 601A, WFM 601E & WFM 601M User Manual
point, turn the bezel knob next to the HORIZ POS knob clockwise to increase the
readout intensity.
Press the CRT button to exit the CRT menu.
Cursors allow you to measure the amplitude or time difference between
waveform features. Cursors usually provide better measurement resolution than
is possible measuring against the etched graticule. Press the CURSOR MENU
button to display the Cursor menu.
The Cursor menu allows you to choose Voltage Cursors, Time Cursors, Markers,
or both Voltage and Time cursors. When Voltage and Time cursors are active, the
three bezel knobs control cursor 1, cursor 2, and cursor tracking. The difference
in the settings of cursor 1 and cursor 2, is reported with CRT readout as DV or
DT. In the Both mode (V+T), use the CONTROL bezel button to alternate
between voltage and time cursor control. Tracking locks the cursors at their
current separation and lets you move them together.
Markers provide adjustable screen reference points with no associated readout.
Markers may be positioned vertically, but not horizontally. The three markers are
identified by the type of dashed lines:
H Mark 1 has long dashes.
H Mark 2 has double dashes.
H Mark 3 has short dashes.
Pressing the CLEAR MENU button removes the cursor selections, but the
cursors, difference readout (voltage or time), and control assignments remain
active and on screen. To restore the Cursor menu, press the CURSOR menu
button again. To turn off the cursors, press the CURSOR button when the Cursor
menu is displayed (two presses when the Cursor menu is not displayed).
The Cursors are tied to the trace scaling. Hence, cursor measurements are
accurate with Gain set to X5, X10, or Variable Gain.
The various sweep modes are compatible with the Time Cursors. You can make
Time Cursor measurements in any of the Sweep modes: 1-Line, 2-Line, 1-Field,
or 2-Field. You may need to brighten the cursors and the trace by pressing the
CRT MENU button and adjusting the intensity.
Time Cursors measurements are possible with MAG on, though both cursors may
be off screen. The measurements are accurate, even though you cannot see the
Cursor Menu Features
Variable Gain and Sweep
with Cursors