
ASCII Protocol
N−4 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
outputs in that port’s serial output set. All responses are in
the “ZR” format described above. When issued, this com-
mand also may result in an immediate ZR response for the
requested output(s). No ZR response(s) will be returned if
the requested output(s) do not have any inputs assigned to
ZPOOO Lock Output This command LOCKS the specified output from being
changed by any system control device.
ZVOOO Protect Output This command PROTECTS the specified output from
being changed by any other system control device.
ZUOOO Unlock Output This command removes the LOCK or PROTECT from the
specified system output. If another system control device
or interface locked or protected this output, this command
will fail.
ZJOOO Report Lock Status This command will return a code based on which kind of
system control device or interface LOCKED or PRO-
TECTED the specified output. If the output is not locked
or protected, no response will be sent. The response codes
are as follows:
ZJ000 Jupiter
Control Panel
ZJ001−004 Party Line Control Panel
Note: Lock status returned for the first level only in the
CP Level Set for this ASCII port.