
I−1CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Appendix I
Jupiter Remote PC
“Remote” PC configurations allow a user to operate certain JNS applications/tools from a workstation other than the file serv-
er. For example, the Software Control Panel Suite (GUI) could be executed, displayed, and controlled at a Remote computer.
Remote applications/tools. JNS programs that can be operated at a Remote PC are:
S Board Status
S Control Center
S Force Unlock
S Logger
and LogViewer
S Party Line Download
S Physical Control
S Router Control Utility
S Router Save/Restore
S Saturn Monitor Follow & Preview
S Software Control Panel Suite (GUI control panel)
Local−only applications. In contrast, the following programs cannot be operated at a Remote PC: Configuration Editor, CP
I/O Editor, Physical Remapping, and Physical Diagnostics. These programs execute in, and are accessible only at, the File
General considerations
Do not run applications on your Jupiter network that might degrade system performance (e.g., an email applica-
Do not assign Jupiter PCs to a domain, as this is not supported.
Since Remote PCs require the same administrator login and password as the File Server, Remote operators by
definition have administrative privileges on the File Server.