I−1CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Appendix I
Jupiter Remote PC
“Remote” PC configurations allow a user to operate certain JNS applications/tools from a workstation other than the file serv-
er. For example, the Software Control Panel Suite (GUI) could be executed, displayed, and controlled at a Remote computer.
Remote applications/tools. JNS programs that can be operated at a Remote PC are:
S Board Status
S Control Center
S Force Unlock
S Logger
and LogViewer
S Party Line Download
S Physical Control
S Router Control Utility
S Router Save/Restore
S Saturn Monitor Follow & Preview
S Software Control Panel Suite (GUI control panel)
Local−only applications. In contrast, the following programs cannot be operated at a Remote PC: Configuration Editor, CP
I/O Editor, Physical Remapping, and Physical Diagnostics. These programs execute in, and are accessible only at, the File
General considerations
• Do not run applications on your Jupiter network that might degrade system performance (e.g., an email applica-
• Do not assign Jupiter PCs to a domain, as this is not supported.
• Since Remote PCs require the same administrator login and password as the File Server, Remote operators by
definition have administrative privileges on the File Server.