
H−1CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Appendix H
JupiterXPress Configuration Swap Option
The Configuration Swap option allows JupiterXPress systems to swap between two similar configurations without a
Jupiter file server present. Similar configurations means the same number of boards in the network description table,
number and type of control panels in the MPK description table, the same switcher description tables, and the same num-
ber of inputs and outputs in the switcher input and output tables. In general, changes to the configuration that require
PMEM to be cleared should be avoided. The Jupiter Configurator help and warning messages should be used as a guide.
Using the CM VGA Options table (Jupiter Configurator > Jupiter > CM VGA Options), Configuration Swapping, PMEM
Clear, Local Reboot, and Global Reboot can be made available to the System Command Page (CM VGA Options
S Configuration Swapping - when selected swaps between the current and previous configurations and then re-
boots, which activates the new configuration.
S PMEM Clear - clears PMEM in the whole system.
S Local Reboot - reboots only the board where it is selected.
S Global Reboot - reboots the whole system.
S User−Defined Options - currently not used.
After saving, compiling, and activating the new configuration, the System Command Page can be enabled by pressing
and holding the NEXT button, pressing and releasing the UP button, followed by releasing the NEXT button. Configura-
tion information consisting of configuration name and a date time string (Xpress−1−Fri Mar 15 15:51:03 2003) from each
board in the system will then be displayed. Commands are selected using the SELECT, UP, and DOWN buttons. The
first SELECT button press will enter selection mode highlighting the first command, which is Exit. The second SELECT
button press will activate that command. Pressing the UP or DOWN buttons, once in selection mode, will highlight each
selected command.
Requirements for this feature are as follows.
S CM 4000(s) running JupiterXpress.
S Software key enabling configuration swapping.
S VGA running on at least one JupiterXpress board.
S CM VGA Options table configured with desired options.
S Two configurations downloaded to the JupiterXpress system with configuration swap options configured.
S All boards in both system configurations must be fully operational.
S The Jupiter file server should not be running any JNS applications.
When JupiterXPress is installed, the Software Key must contain the option for configuration swap. Two configurations with
minimal changes (control panel sets, mnemonic names) are downloaded to the JupiterXPress board.