
Hardware Installation
2−91CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Encore Control of Jupiter
The Encore System Controller Board (SCB) can send switching commands to a Jupiter control system (which can in turn send
the commands to a Crosspoint Bus router such as Venus). This application uses the “ESswitch” Proposed ESbus Routing
Switcher Dialect.
Hardware connections are the same as those used when Jupiter controls an Encore system. See page 2−17 and following.
“ESswitch” protocol is set on the Serial Protocol table (page 5−30); and the Encore SCB is identified as a Serial device on
the MPK Devices table (page 5−123). In the case of redundant VM / redundant SCB systems, two VM ports are defined on
the Serial Protocol table and two SCBs are defined on the MPK Devices table.
A technical description of the proposed ESswitch dialect is available; please contact Grass Valley for more information.