Control Panel Operation
VGA Display
6−141CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Note that the MC 3000 can send control commands to any selected machine, even when the machine has not been
delegated (“assigned”) to any delegation group.
Important: As a supervisory system, the VGA / MC 3000 can send control commands to any machine, even
to a machine linked to and being controlled by another panel. In this condition both panels will be able to
send commands. However, the VGA can take exclusive control by using CHANGE MODE as described
Note: Since the VGA / MC 3000 cannot normally link itself to a machine, time code will not be shown in the
MC 3000 window. Linkage and display of time code under these circumstances is discussed in a note on page
Change Mode − Changing Delegation of a Machine
This function is available with the CP 3020 panel only.
While in Cursor Mode, the CHANGE MODE button can be used to “un−delegate” a machine. To do this, the
cursor is moved to the row showing the desired machine, then, using the RIGHT and LEFT keys, to a delega-
tion group column showing the word “Assigned” or the showing the name of the panel now linked to the
machine. When CHANGE MODE is pressed, the delegation/link will be cut and the VG 3000/MC 3000 will
have exclusive control. If CHANGE MODE is pressed again, the machine will again be delegated to the
group shown at the top of the column; however, another associative switcher Take will have to occur to re−
establish the link.