
14−1CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Section 14 − Physical Control
Figure 14−1.
The JNS Physical Control is a replacement for the Jupiter Physical Control application. It allows the user to switch using
“physical” input and output numbers.
Logical levels are displayed on the left in the order that they appear in the Switcher Description table.
To perform a switch, first select a level from the list, then enter the physical output number in the Output field. At this point,
you can click on the Update Status button to check the current status of the selected output and level; the status will appear
in the Input field. Enter the new input in the Input field, then select Take. The Input field will clear and the Take should occur.
To verify, select the Update Status button.
Note: Jupiter does not support follow level switching (e.g., for RGB switchers) when switch requests are issued
from Physical Control.