Glossary E-11
IPX Switch
A narrowband cell relay network switch from for private and public networks.
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
A service provided by the telephone company or OCC that supports combined customer voice
and data connections over the twisted pair subscriber loop. Requires special equipment at the
customer premise and a connecting central office switch that is capable of providing ISDN.
A. multiplexed 24-channel circuit line to a PBX conforming to the Japanese TTC-JJ-20 circuit
standard. Similar to E1, it operates at 2.048 Mbps.
junction node
A node handling inter-networking of domains.
junction trunk
A packet line connecting junction nodes.
The logical connection used to represent an individual routing entity.
LDM (Low Speed Data Module)
An IGX data front card that supports up to 8 synchronous or asynchronous data ports. When used
with an LDI4/DDS, an LDP can provide 56-Kbps Digital Data Service (DDS) interfaces to the
IGX switch.
LDP (Low Speed Data PAD)
An IPX data front card that supports up to 8 synchronous or asynchronous data ports. When used
with an LDI4/DDS, an LDP can provide 56-Kbps Digital Data Service (DDS) interfaces to the
IPX switch.
LEC (Lower Expansion Card)
An expansion back card for the IPX 32 that connects upper shelf bus to lower shelf bus and the
active NPC to standby NPC.
Connects a user device to a service interface, for example, a router to an ASI or AUSM card, a
data line to a data card, a frame relay line to an FRP or a port concentrator, or a T1 or E1 line to
a CDP card.
The network connection between two nodes.
LMI (Local Management Interface)
The protocol and procedures for control of IPX frame relay connections. Used for configuration,
flow control, and maintenance of these connections.