BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-47
Resource Partitioning
Example: BNI cnftrkparm Command
swong135 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Sep. 24 1997 07:44 GMT
TRK 5.1 Parameters
1 Q Depth - Voice [ 242] (Dec) 15 Q Depth - CBR [ 600] (Dec)
2 Q Depth - Non-TS [ 360] (Dec) 16 Q Depth - VBR [ 1000] (Dec)
3 Q Depth - TS [ 1000] (Dec) 17 Q Depth - ABR [ 9070] (Dec)
4 Q Depth - BData A [ 1000] (Dec) 18 Low CLP - CBR [ 100] (%)
5 Q Depth - BData B [ 8000] (Dec) 19 High CLP - CBR [ 100] (%)
6 Q Depth - High Pri [ 1000] (Dec) 20 Low CLP - VBR [ 100] (%)
7 Max Age - Voice [ 20] (Dec) 21 High CLP - VBR [ 100] (%)
8 Red Alm - I/O (Dec) [ 2500 / 15000]22 Low CLP - ABR [ 60] (%)
9 Yel Alm - I/O (Dec) [ 2500 / 15000]23 High CLP - ABR [ 80] (%)
10 Low CLP - BData A [ 100] (%) 24 EFCN - ABR [ 30] (%)
11 High CLP - BData A [ 100] (%) 25 SVC Queue Pool Size [ 0] (Dec)
12 Low CLP - BData B [ 25] (%)
13 High CLP - BData B [ 75] (%)
14 EFCN - BData B [ 30] (Dec)
This Command: cnftrkparm 5.1
Which parameter do you wish to change:
Virtual Terminal
Step 6 Configure the SVC Queue Pool Size as desired.
Step 7 Partition the SVC resources for all the other BNIs in your BPX switch. This includes the
BNI that is used to connect an MGX 8220 shelf to a BPX switch when they are to be used
for SVC connections.
BXM Trunk SVC Resource Partitioning
When the BXM is used as a trunk in a BPX switch network, it needs to have its resources partitioned
to support SVCs. The BXM card will have to upped as a trunk (uptrk).
Note The initial command to up a trunk (uptrk) or to up a line (upln) on the BXM configures all
the physical ports on the card to be either lines or trunks. They can not be inter-mixed.
For additional information on using the BPX switch command line interface and applicable
commands refer to the Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference manual. These procedures
concentrate on those commands that are specific to SVC resource partitioning.
The following BXM trunk resources must be partitioned for SVCs:
• SVC Channels
• SVC Bandwidth
• SVC Queue Pool Size.
To partition the BXM trunk resources for SVCs, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log in to the BPX switch
Step 2 Make sure the BXM has been upped as a trunk with uptrk <trunk_num> command.
Step 3 Enter the cnftrk <trk num> command, shown in the following example: