6-42 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Resource Partitioning
ASI SVC Resource Partitioning
A BPX switch ATM Service Interface (ASI) card which will support ATM SVCs will have to be
added and upped like a standard PVC port. Before adding connections, an ASI line is upped with the
upln command and configured with the cnfport command and upped with the upport command.
Complete details on using the BPX switch command line interface and applicable commands are
described in the Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference manuals. Also, refer to the Cisco WAN
Service Node Extended Services Processor Installation and Operations for Release 2.2 document.
These procedures will concentrate on those commands that are specific to SVC resource
Before partitioning SVC resources, you must have determined which ASI will support ATM SVCs.
The ASI will have to have its resources partitioned to support SVCs. The following resources must
be partitioned for each ASI UNI port:
• SVC Channels
• SVC Bandwidth
• SVC Queue Depth
To partition the ASI UNI port, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log in to the BPX switch
Step 2 Using the upln and upport commands, up the line and port which are going to be
connected to ATM CPE.
Step 3 Make sure the port is configured as UNI.
Step 4 Enter the cnfport <port num> command, as illustrated in the following example:
Example: ASI cnfport Command
spvc21 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Sep. 24 1997 07:49 GMT
Port: 2.1 [FAILED ]
Interface: MMF-2
Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled
Speed: 353208 (cps)
Shift: SHIFT ON HCF (Normal Operation)
SIG Queue Depth: 10
Protocol: NONE
SVC Channels: 500
SVC VPI Min: 0
SVC VPI Max: 10
SVC Bandwidth: 300000 (cps)
This Command: cnfport 2.1
NNI Cell Header Format? [N]:
Virtual Terminal