
Tag Switching 9-21
Configuration Example
Step 5 On the BXM in slot 4, bring up the ports 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, as follows:
Note The following example enables ports 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 in trunk mode with the uptrk command,
they could also all be upped in port mode using the upport command. This is because tag switching
and the VSI make no distinction between a “port” and a “trunk”.
uptrk 4.1
uptrk 4.2
uptrk 4.3
Sample Display:
n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Apr. 4 1998 16:39 PST
TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End
2.1 OC3 Clear - OK j4a/2.1
3.1 E3 Clear - OK j6c(AXIS)
5.1 E3 Clear - OK j6a/5.2
5.2 E3 Clear - OK j3b/3
5.3 E3 Clear - OK j5c(IPX/AF)
6.1 T3 Clear - OK j4a/4.1
6.2 T3 Clear - OK j3b/4
4.1 OC3 Clear - OK VSI(VSI)
Last Command: uptrk 4.1
Next Command:
Step 6 Port 4.1 is the slave interface to the tag switch controller. Configure the VSI partitions
for port 4.1 as follows:
cnfrsrc 4.1
PVC LCNs: [256] {accept default value}
max PVC bandwidth: 26000
partition: 1
enabled: e
VSI min LCNs: 512
VSI max LCNs: 7048 {varies with BXM type
VSI start VPI: 2
VSI end VPI: 15
VSI min b/w: 26000
VSI max b/w: 100000
or with one entry as follows:
cnfrsrc 4.1 256 26000 1 e 512 7048 2 15 26000 100000