12-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Functional Description
• Test tstcon not supported at BPX switch endpoints; it is supported at IPX switch endpoints
• Gateway terminated inter-domain connections
• Via connections through IPX switch
Some ATF Connection Criteria
ATF connections are allowed between any combination of ATM and Frame Relay UNI and NNI
ports. Virtual circuit connections are allowed. Virtual path connections are not.
ATF connections can be mastered by the IPX switch or BPX switch end.
ATF bundled connections and ATF point-to-point connections are not supported.
ATF connections use the frame relay trunk queues: bursty data A for non-ForeSight, bursty data B
for ForeSight.
Bandwidth related parameters are defined using cells per second (cps) on the BPX switch and bits
per second (bps) on the IPX/IGX switch. On a given endpoint node, the bandwidth parms for both
ends of the ATF connection are changed/displayed using this end’s units. This saves the user from
having to convert from cps to bps repeatedly.
ATF connections use the VBR egress queue on the ASI-1 card. ATF with ForeSight connections use
the ABR egress queue.
Connection Management
The following user commands are used to provision and modify ATF connections:
• addcon
• cnfcls
• cnfcon
• delcon
• dspcls
• dspcon
• dspcons
Port Management
The following features are added to the ASI-1 at the port level:
• An ASI-1 card can be configured to use the network-network interface (NNI) addressing format.
This feature is only available on a per-card level. Changing one port to or from NNI changes the
other one with appropriate warnings to the user.
• ILMI activation/configuration/statistics
• LMI Annex G activation/configuration/statistics
• Port egress queue configuration
• Backward congestion management