20 Part No 1148070
Low Concentration
P.C. board:
a. Shifts at wrong pressures.
Check pressure at product tank. Pressure
should rise to 21 p.s.i. at shift point. If not,
replace P.C. Board. Refer to Replacing P.C.
Board on page 58.
a. Flowmeter opened beyond
maximum flow rate.
b. Cracked or broken fitting.
c. Input tubing leaking or loose.
a. Return flow to maximum setting.
b. Replace fitting.
c. Repair or replace. Refer to Replacing
Flowmeter on page 63.
Timing. To accommodate for varying tolerances
when replacing components, an adjustable
timer is used to control the shifting of the
Pressure Equalization (P.E.) valve. Refer to
on page 73.
P.E. valve:
a. Bad coil.
b. Restrictor blockage.
a. Replace P.E. valve.
b. Replace P.E. valve. Refer to Replacing
P.E. Valve on page 42.
Inspect P.C. board restrictor tubing
for kinks or tears.
Replace P.C. board. Unit may need
retiming after board replacement. Refer to
Replacing P.C. Board
on page 58.
Fluctuating Flow: Regulator/Flowmeter:
a. Incorrectly set regulator.
b. Flowmeter malfunction.
a. Check pressure at oxygen outlet.
Adjust regulator.
b. If flow is still unstable, check for leaks
starting at the compressor outlet
fitting through all pneumatic
connections. If no leaks are found
and flow is still fluctuating, replace
the regulator. If pressure at test point
is within spec (5 p.s.i. ± 0.5 max.
[34.4 kPa ± 6.89]), replace
flowmeter. Refer to Replacing
Flowmeter on page 63.
Outlet HEPA filter:
a. Dirty or plugged a. If low flow conditions persist, replace
outlet HEPA filter. Refer to Replacing
the Outlet HEPA Filter on page 25.
Unit Excessively Loud: Pneumatic exhaust:
a. Muffler cracked, damaged or
b. Muffler tubing disconnected or
a. Replace. Refer to Replacing the
Muffler Assembly on page 26.
b. Reconnect or replace tubing.
Compressor inlet filter missing and/or
orange sticker removed.
a. Replace compressor inlet filter. Refer
to Replacing the Compressor Inlet
HEPA Filter on page 26.
Compressor removed. a. Replace Compressor. Refer to
Replacing Compressor Assembly
page 31.
Incorrect style of inlet filter
a. Replace with factory OEM sound
reduced style inlet HEPA filter.