The label suffix, <n>, specifies the number of the label (1 to 25) to retrieve.
The label name is returned in string format. LOGging:LABel<n>:NAME <label>
Sets the name of the specified label.
The label suffix, <n>, specifies the number of the label (1 to 25) to set. Label
names can be up to 8 characters in length and can include any letters, numeric
digits, and the underscore (‘_’).
8.4.8 System Commands
The system commands are used for querying instrument identification parame
ters, temperature units, and for setting operating parameters to the defined de
fault values. *IDN?
Returns the instrument identification string that indicates the manufacturer,
model number, serial number, and code firmware version.
HART,1529,A09001,1.11 *OPT?
Returns a list of input modules installed.
Input module types are reported by position, top to bottom, of the two input
modules. The returned example is for a 1529 equipped with one 2-channel PRT
input module and one 2-channel Thermocouple input module. *RST
Sets the instrument operating parameters to defined conditions.
The following parameters are set when this command is issued.
Sets the scanning sequence timer to 1 second.
Sets channel 1 ON and all others OFF.
Sets the scan mode to SCAN.
Sets the moving average to 1.
Sets the printing to all ports OFF.
8 Digital Communications Interface