If no parameters are specified, the ALL parameter is assumed and the parame
ters for all channels are printed to the current port. Specifying the <chn> pa
rameter prints only the parameters for the specified channel (1 to 4) to the
current port. Optionally, the parameters may be printed to a specific port by
specifying the <port> parameter (see Table 10 on page 125, Port Numbers) CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:SNUMber?
Returns the probe serial number for the specified channel.
The CALCulate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4) or memory chan
nel (5 to 14). The returned serial number is in string format. CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:SNUMber <serl>
Sets the probe serial number for the specified channel.
The CALCulate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4) or memory chan-
nel (5 to 14). The <serl> parameter is in string format. The <serl> parameter
can consist of up to eight characters that include any letters, numeric digits, and
the underscore ‘_’.
This command may be password-protected. To access this command:
If the SYST:PASS:CONV? command returns a 0 (probe password-protec
tion is disabled), the password is not required.
If the SYST:PASS:CONV? command returns a 1 (probe password-protec
tion is enabled), the password must be successfully entered using the
SYST:PASS:CEN <pass> command (see Section 9.4.11, Password Com
mands). CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:TEST? <res>|<volt>
Tests the temperature conversion for the specified channel.
CALC2:CONV:TEST? 100.0145
The CALCulate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4) or memory chan
nel (5 to 14). For PRT/Thermistor channels, the <res> parameter specifies a re
sistance value to convert to temperature. The <res> parameter is always in
Ohms for PRTs and KOhms for Thermistors. For Thermocouple channels, the
<volt> parameter specifies a voltage value to convert to temperature. The
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide