Parameters for WLX INI, $MAC INI, and {username} INI Files 25
Keyboard.layout parameter replaces prior
Keyboard=value parameter. For a list of supported
keyboard layout values, see Appendix D,
"Keyboard.layouts Parameter: Values."
Keyboard.layouts=us (for United States)
Keyboard.layouts=ru (for Russia)
MouseSpeed={0-10} Specifies the speed when moving the mouse.
MouseSwap={no, yes} Yes/no option to swap the button order on the
RepeatRate={<value of 3 to 255>,
<supported value of 0 to 2>}
Specifies the number of allowable repeat key presses
per second. Enter a value between 3 and 255 or a
designated rate, as follows:
Value and Keyboard Repeat Rate
0 — Slow (GUI value is 10)
1 — Medium (default) - (no GUI value)
2 — Fast - (GUI value is 110)
Table 6 Peripheral Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files ,
Parameter Description