• Front-Panel Operation:
• Remote Interface Operation: The following command enables an
automatic channel delay on channel 01.
Selecting a specific channel delay using the ROUTe:CHANnel:DELay
command disables the automatic channel delay.
Viewing Readings Stored in Memory
During a scan, the instrument automatically adds a time stamp to
all readings and stores them in non-volatile memory. Readings are
stored only during a scan. You can read the contents of memory at any
time, even during a scan.
• You can store up to 50,000 readings in non-volatile memory during
a scan. From the front panel, you can view the last 100 readings and
all of the readings are available from the remote interface. If memory
overflows (the
MEM annunciator will turn on), a status register bit
is set and new readings will overwrite the first readings stored
(the most recent readings are always preserved).
• Each time you start a new scan, the instrument clears all readings
(including alarm data) stored in reading memory from the previous
scan. Therefore, the contents of memory are always from the most
recent scan.
• The instrument clears all readings in memory after a Factory Reset
(*RST command) or Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command).
Reading memory is not cleared when you read it.
• While a scan is running, the instrument automatically stores the
minimum and maximum readings and calculates the average for each
channel. You can read these values at any time, even during a scan.
• Each reading is stored with measurement units, time stamp, channel
number, and alarm status information. From the remote interface,
you can specify which information you want returned with the
readings (from the front panel, all of the information is available for
viewing). For more information, see “Reading Format” on page 87.
Chapter 4 Features and Functions