CALibration:SECure:STATe {OFF|ON},<code>
Unsecure or secure the instrument for calibration. The security code
may contain up to 12 alphanumeric characters. The :STAT? query reads
the secured state of the instrument. Returns “0” (unsecured) or
“1” (secured).
CALibration:STRing <
Store a message in calibration memory in the mainframe. Storing a
calibration message will overwrite any message previously stored in
memory. The following statement shows how to store a message in
calibration memory.
CAL:STRING ’CAL: 06-01-98’
• The calibration message may contain up to 40 characters. From the
front panel, you can view 13 characters of the message at a time.
• You can record a calibration message only from the remote interface
and only when the instrument is unsecured. You can read the
message from either the front-panel or over the remote interface.
You can read the calibration message whether the instrument is
secured or unsecured.
• The calibration message is stored in non-volatile memory in the
mainframe, and does not change when power has been off, after a
Factory Reset (*RST command), or after an Instrument Preset
(SYSTem:PRESet command).
Query the calibration message and return a quoted string. Returns a
string in the form “
CAL: 06-01-98”.
CALibration:VALue <
Specify the value of the known calibration signal as outlined in the
calibration procedures in the 34970A Service Guide. The :VAL?
command reads present calibration value. Returns a number in the form
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Calibration Commands