:LIMit:LOWer <
value>[,(@<ch_ list>)]
:LIMit:LOWer? [(
Set the lower limit for alarms on the specified channels. You can set the
value to any number between -120% and +120% of the highest range,
for the present function. The default lower limit is -1.0E+15. The lower
limit must always be less than or equal to the upper limit. The :LOW?
query returns the lower limit for alarms on the specified channels.
:LIMit:LOWer:STATe {OFF|ON}[,(
:LIMit:LOWer:STATe? [(
Disable or enable the lower alarm limit on the specified channel.
The :STAT? query returns the state of the lower alarm on the specified
channels. Returns “0” (
OFF) or “1” (ON).
Read the alarm data from the alarm queue (one alarm event is read and
cleared each time this command is executed). The following is an example
of an alarm stored in the alarm queue (if no alarm data is in the queue,
the command returns “0” for each field).
1 Reading with Units (31.009 °C)
2 Date (May 1, 1997)
3 Time (2:39:40.058 PM)
4 Channel Number
5 Limit Threshold Crossed (0 = No Alarm,
1 = LO, 2 = HI)
6 Alarm Number Reported (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Alarm System Overview